You are here: Scripting Reference > Statements


Each line of code entered into a script is considered a statement. Each statement is terminated with a semi colon. This indicates to the script engine the end of a statement.

A semi colon is used in Delphi and C# languages to terminate a statement

Statements can be grouped into blocks using See "Begin...End". Typical statements such as the If...Then statement will check a condition and based on the result run one statement if true or another if false. If you want to run multiple statements if the result is true you need to group then using a begin...end block. See "Try...Except" can be used in place of begin...end to also provide grouping, however Try...Except supports error handling.

The script itself is contained within a begin...end block. Refer See "Scripts"

The following is an example of a statement

MyVariable := 10;

This statement assigns the value 10 to the variable MyVariable. It is a simple assignment statement. Another example of a simple statement is the calling of a function

LogInfo('This is the text I want to log');

This statement calls the LogInfo function and passes a single parameter being the text 'This is the text I want to log'.

The following more complex statements can be used within Flow for conditional processing and iteration.